KG In the Classroom

Ready-to-Teach English Lessons for Educators

Course Curriculum

  Never Give Up
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Inspire Others
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Never Give Up
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Diversity Is Strength
Available in days
days after you enroll

Kindest Generation is an interactive, multilingual textbook designed to benefit both 21st century learners and educators. This online textbook features current and relevant topics that align under four thematic units (Knowledge is Power, Inspire Others, Never Give Up, Diversity is Strength).

Learners get a reading program that’s high interest, engaging, and focused on inspiring stories and important issues that are relevant to their lives.

Teachers get lessons designed by an award-winning international school teacher that help support their ELL learners while integrating social-emotional learning into their ELA programs.

Each lesson from the Kindest Generation textbook is environmentally friendly, helping educators transition to paperless classrooms.

Kindest Generation translates the directions for each activity into multiple languages in order to support English language learners.

Kindest Generation uses Nearpod to integrate Quizlet, Newsela, and Quizziz to maximize student engagement.

Check out the FAQ section to learn more about using Kindest Generation in the classroom.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Kindest Generation align with my school's curriculum?
- All lessons aligned to Next Generation ELA Standards and each unit will contain lessons that can be used to teach reading across the curriculum. - Most lessons incorporate Newsela, allowing educators to differentiate instruction and gives learners access to the same article at five separate reading levels and take appropriate reading comprehension quizzes. - Enrichment and follow-up activities incorporated into each lesson. - Multiple types of questioning, including open-ended questions, fill in the blank, draw-it activities, and self-graded quizzes.
How does the Kindest Generation support my English Language Learners?
- Kindest Generation is a multilingual textbook that provides directions for learning activities that are translated into multiple languages: Spanish, Korean, Mandarin and Thai (and growing) - Virtual Field Trips using Nearpod VR technology, Google Earth, and Google Street Treks. - Our lessons focus on KIND stories from around the world.
How does The Kindest Generation integrate 21st century skills and competencies into its lessons?
- All lessons downloaded at the click of a button. - Teachers have full control of student devices once students enter a login code, with the ability to see their student results in real time -- as well as downloadable reports from each session. - Links with Google Classroom and Schoology. - Quizlet integrated into each lesson to introduce and enhance understanding of vocabulary. - Kindest Generation is environmental friendly. All lessons are paperless. - Kindest Generation uses Nearpod to integrate Newsela, Quizlet, and Quizzizz into each lesson to maximize student engagement in the classroom.
How does Kindest Generation integrate Social-Emotional learning into my ELA program?
- Lessons focus on building a growth mindset, empathy, service and volunteerism. - All educators will receive our persuasive unit in September 2019, which focuses on charities that align with each thematic unit. - Use as a supplement to your SEL curriculum in your school, with badges and posters included for classroom use. - All lessons spotlight inspirational and positive stories that are current and relatable to The Kindest Generation.

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